The Norridgewock Historical Society holds open meetings at 6:30 pm on the 4th Wednesday of the month during the season.
The Museum is located at 11 Mercer Rd, (No mail delivery) Norridgewock, Maine
Mailing and shipping address: PO Box 903, Norridgewock, Maine 04957.
Contact us at:
May 22, 2024 6:30 PM
Program: Memories of Maple Sugaring
June 26, 2024 6:30PM
Talk by author Kenny Wing:
The Lost Villages of Flagstaff Lake
The story of the villages that were submerged & lost when the hydroelectric dam was put in on the Dead River and Flagstaff Lake created.
July 24, 2024 6:30PM
Program :
There will be a short program about the preservation & restoration of our Norridgewock cemeteries with special focus on the recently completed preservation & restoration projects at Riverview Cemetery (Upper Main Street; one of our oldest cemeteries).
August 28, 2024 6:30PM
300th Anniversary of the attack of the attack on the Abenaki Settlement and Father Rasle. Informal review and discussion.
September 25, 2024 6:30PM
Yesteryear in Norridgewock - Stores & Storekeepers
This is a revival of our living history documentation series and is designed to help us capture and preserve memories of Main Street stores and some of the interesting (sometimes quirky) storekeepers. NHS has photos/ memorabilia from some of the key stores and we hope others will share their Main Street memories & memorabilia for a fun evening of show & tell.
October 23, 2024 6:30PM
The program will include a brief photo review of an important upcoming milestone in our own history -- 2025 marks the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Norridgewock Historical Society !
Please join us and share some of your memories of our journey over the years.
November : No Meeting
December, 2024 6:30PM
Holiday Party
In 1995, work on the Museum started in earnest, with our Clean Up Days on May 24th, 31st, and June 7th. On May 29th, we erected our flag and flagpole. We opened our doors to the public on June 10th, 1995, with one of our first attractions – the display of the Charles H. Sawyer prints.
In 1994, the building was devised to Harold Obert. It was then sold, at less than its value, to the Norridgewock Historical Society on November 28, 1994.
Doctor Brown’s daughter, Linnion Brown Rogerson, passed away at age 101.
Doctor Walter Brown and his family lived in the building, using it as a private residence. In 1883, the building was home to two doctors, Doctor Philip Lindsay and Doctor Justin Ames.
In 1864, the building was taken over by Hamlin F. Eaton and used as the Eaton School for a year. Once the Eaton School was moved, the building was still used for some classes, as well as a faculty home.
Our building was built, and intended to be a Female Academy. Doctor Amos Townsend donated the land and $100 towards its erection, though once construction was done the final cost was nearer to $1,000. After its use as a Female Academy, the building sat vacant for about four years.
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The Norridgewock Museum & Historical Society serves as an insight to the history of Norridgewock, Maine, and its encompassing Somerset County. From monthly meetings to exhibits and special events, our volunteers work to preserve our past for future generations.
From Native American artifacts to early 20th century medicine, from maps and books to postcards and newspapers, our collection aims to showcase the history and culture of the town and its surrounding areas throughout history.
The Norridgewock Historical Society offers insights into our rich history. Visit the museum to look up your family's ancestral history or research the storied history of our town and Somerset County.
Rebecca Ketchum
Reta Thebarge
Eastman Wilder
Donna Mickewich
Tom Mickewich
11 Mercer Road, Norridgewock, Maine
Mailing Address: PO Box 903, Norridgewock, ME 04957
Copyright © 2025 Norridgewock Historical Society - All Rights Reserved.
Celebrate history.